The story will have to be amended: an ancient Neolithic settlement found in Israel

The Israeli Antiquities Authority reported that a Neolithic settlement was discovered during the construction of the motorway. Excavations are ongoing near Jerusalem.

The people who lived there during the Neolithic period (the last period of the Stone Age) were a difficult social group. Many of them were farmers and kept hundreds of thousands of seeds of beans, lentils, and chickpeas in their homes. The remains of animals show that domestic goats were present on the farm. Ancient people traded with neighboring regions such as Turkey, Jordan, areas around the Red Sea.

"This is the first time that such a large settlement dating back to the Neolithic has been discovered in Israel.", said excavation leaders, Israeli archaeologists Hamudi Halali and Jacob Vardi. According to the Department of Antiquities, about 2000-3000 people lived here.

Archaeologists have suggested that there may be interesting artifacts in this place, but full-scale studies of the Neolithic settlement began only after the construction of new roundabouts.

During the Neolithic tribes of hunter-gatherers began to engage in agriculture and create permanent settlements. Therefore, it is not surprising that scientists discovered large rooms, divided into rooms where ancient people lived. Moreover, in these premises places were provided for ritual sacrifices and public use. Between the buildings there was a thoughtful layout and walkways. Some rooms have plastered floors.

Around the houses and below them, a team of archaeologists discovered human graves. Some of them contained burial items that were buried with the deceased and were supposed to help them in the afterlife. Some of the tombstones were delivered from afar. For example, obsidian from Anatolia (modern Turkey), shells from the Mediterranean and Red Seas. This all indicates that there was already developed trade between the regions.

According to Jacob Vardi, several pearl bracelets were discovered during excavations. Given their small size, scientists suggested that they were most likely worn by children and adolescents. He added that one burial revealed that these bracelets were worn on the shoulder.

In addition, thousands of stone arrowheads were found for hunting, axes for cutting trees, sickle-shaped blades and knives, as well as figurines, the style of which belong to the Neolithic. A radiocarbon study of seeds found at the site of the settlement indicates that people lived there about 9,000 to 8,800 years ago. In addition to growing crops and keeping goats, cows and pigs were present on the farm. People hunted gazelles, deer, wolves, foxes. This is evidenced by the found remains of animals.

Now this location is located 5 kilometers from Jerusalem, on the banks of the Sorek stream. The entire site is about 0.1 square miles (30 to 40 ha).

As the excavations continue, archaeologists promise to tell history buffs all the fun. Found exhibits will be transferred to the museum and open for public inspection.

Watch the video: Secrets of the Stone Age 12. DW Documentary (October 2024).

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