Poisonous mushrooms of Russia, which can easily be confused with edible counterparts

Despite the fact that you can find mushrooms in supermarkets almost at any time of the year, many people like to collect these gifts of nature on their own. The mushroom season is in full swing, however, not only foxes and butterflies await us in the forest, but also their insidious counterparts - poisonous mushrooms. They are so similar to their noble counterparts that they can mislead inexperienced mushroom pickers. Of course, mushroom pickers with experience can easily distinguish real mushrooms from false mushrooms, but for those who are not sure of their knowledge, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with our selection of mushrooms that have poisonous relatives that look like two drops of water.

Chanterelle and false chanterelle


Do not rush to rejoice when you find a clearing of bright orange leaf mushrooms in the forest, as they may turn out to be inedible. In order to find out the truth and understand whether it is worth putting your find in the basket, you need to break the mushroom's hat. In a dangerous false fox, white juice will stand out from the fault point, but this will not happen in the case of an edible mushroom.

False chanterelles

Oil mushrooms and pepper mushroom

It would seem that the appearance of butter is familiar to everyone, even people who are far from country life and hiking in the forest for mushrooms. But butter also has dangerous relatives who can confuse a not-so-experienced mushroom picker - pepper mushrooms.


Pay attention to the bottom of the hat. It should be a delicate yellow color resembling ghee. If the surface in front of you is brown or reddish, leave it in the forest.

Pepper mushroom

Russula and pale toadstool

The incredibly toxic pale grebe can easily be confused with russula. The reason for this is a strikingly similar appearance and the same gray hats. Both species have the same size of the fruiting body and belong to agaric mushrooms, which further enhances the dangerous similarity.


But an attentive mushroom picker will be able to cope with this difficult task. If you are not frightened off by a sharp unpleasant odor, then look under the mushroom's hat: the toadstool is surrounded by a membranous ring, which should not be in the russula. Due to the high concentration of phalloidin and amanitin, pale grebe is unanimously recognized as the most dangerous fungus in the world. In addition to the presence of fatal toxins, this fungus is dangerous in that the symptoms of poisoning can occur only on the 2nd-3rd day, when irreversible processes in the body are already running and the victim cannot be helped.

Death cap

Boletus edulis and its counterparts

Porcini mushrooms by their taste and nutritional properties are at the top of the pyramid of edible mushroom variety. Perhaps Europeans who prefer truffles will not agree with this, but there is no more valuable find for a mushroom picker in central Russia than a meadow with porcini mushrooms. However, this species has two doubles - a dangerous relative, belonging to the same family of flying. It is a satanic boletus, better known as a satanic mushroom, and a bile fungus.


Even after lying for several hours after cutting, the white mushroom retains the white color of the leg, and this circumstance will help to preserve your health, since its counterparts do not have such a wonderful feature. Their legs turn pink and blue, betraying the poisonous nature of their owners. In addition, pay attention to the outside of the stem: the edible mushroom has a grayish or brown color with light veins, and not yellow or red.

Gall mushroom Satanic Mushroom (Satanic Boletus)

Honey mushrooms and false mushrooms

If royal mushrooms have a bright appearance and it is difficult to confuse them with something, then ordinary honey mushrooms are not so lucky. Two varieties of false mushrooms are trying to imitate them at once - with yellow and orange-brick hats.

Royal mushrooms Autumn mushrooms

But do not be scared and avoid mushrooms, as in this case everything is quite simple. Both of these varieties differ from the edible original in the absence of a "skirt" on the leg. Tip: pay attention to the leg and then you will never be mistaken when collecting mushrooms.

False Foam Sulfur Yellow False honey mushrooms

Now you know how to avoid the presence of unwanted species in your mushroom basket. And remember that even prolonged heat treatment is not able to get rid of toxins such species as pale toadstool and sulfur-yellow false foam.

Going into the forest, do not forget that in nature you can meet not only poisonous mushrooms, but also dangerous snakes. You can find out what poisonous snakes live in the vastness of our country in one of our previous materials.

Watch the video: Michael Pollan: "How to Change Your Mind". Talks at Google (September 2024).

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