England then and now: 7 photo comparisons showing how cities have changed over 125 years

If you were presented with one ticket to any city in the world and in any era, where would you go? Today we suggest you visit Victorian England.

The world is growing rapidly, and the only visual reminder of the past is captured in the image archive. Recently, we were lucky to find a very interesting comparison of historical photographs of seven English cities, which show what these places were like at the end of the 19th century and what they appear to us now. Comparing the pictures taken in the same location, you can see how these cities have changed over the past 125 years. During this relatively short period of time, everything from architecture to lifestyle and fashion trends has undergone a cardinal transformation. Fortunately, some elegant historic buildings have stood the test of time and still serve as evidence of magnificent eras. Nevertheless, modernity has changed the English city beyond recognition.








Watch the video: LIFE 100 YEARS AGO vs LIFE NOW (September 2024).

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