The amazing hedgehog "vampire" from Utah has become an Internet star!

Meet Huff, a 3-year-old African dwarf hedgehog rescued in Utah. His charming fangs made him the new Instagram star. Now the baby lives with a student Carolyn Parker and enjoys everyone's attention.

“A lot of people in Utah are suffering from seasonal depression, including myself,” Parker says. “I started to use this Instagram account to share with others what makes me happy. Huff seems moody and touchy, but he’s actually cute and charming. I think that’s why he got so many fans. "

Meet Huff, a 3-year-old African dwarf hedgehog rescued in Utah.

His protruding teeth already made him a star.

He is also known as Sir Hodge Huffington.

The cutie was sheltered by student Carolyn Parker.

Its previous owner treated him very badly.

"A lot of people in Utah are suffering from seasonal depressions, including myself," says Parker.

“I started keeping this Instagram account to share with others what makes me happy.”

"I think Huff likes taking pictures."

"Huff seems moody and" touchy, "but he's actually cute and charming."

"I think that's why he got so many fans."

"He brings a lot of happiness to my life.

Watch the video: Amazing Hedgehog Giving Birth. Newborn Hedgehog Has A Lot Of Spines (September 2024).

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