Drink from a pot in Camaguey

The symbol of the city of Camaguey - tinachon - a large clay pot. Legend has it: if you drink from it, you become so attached to the city that you will definitely come back. Now we will convince you to check the legend!

Labyrinth and Tinonyons

So welcome to the maze! The city of Camaguey is cunningly impossible. This is the only city in Cuba, walks through which will turn into a real adventure. Specialists call this building a “broken plate”: large and small squares of various shapes intertwine with dozens of tangled narrow streets. We promise that you will definitely get lost ... But you will want to do it again and again, either resting against dead ends, or suddenly getting out through the passages in the wall to some authentic square or an old church.

In the XVI century, the city was founded by Diego Velazquez on the coast and named Santa Maria de Puerto del Principe. Alas, the constant raids and ruin by pirates, including the famous Henry Morgan, literally wiped it off the face of the earth by the 17th century. The townspeople were forced to move the settlement inland. The task of the architects of the new city - Camaguey - was the disorientation of the robbers. They thought for a long time and eventually tried their best. To confuse the invaders and ensure the safety of the inhabitants, a peculiar street pattern was formed, the complex and unique architecture of the city was woven. Traditional guides advise stocking up with a good map, but we recommend abandoning it altogether. Wander and get lost for your pleasure!

The second distinctive feature of the city is tinajones. Cattle needed a lot of water to maintain, but droughts occurred in these places. Local residents sculpted huge clay pots or jugs to collect rainwater and made reserves. Today, tinachones of different sizes are found throughout the city, but rather, as a decoration - in memory of past times and as a tribute to tradition. They lie like inverted snails in almost all areas of Camaguey and in private homes. Some of them are used instead of flower pots. What ?! Very beautiful!

What to see in Camaguey

Camaguey is the capital of the province of the same name, the largest in Cuba. She is known for her rodeos, as well as the city and municipality of Florida (sometimes a funny confusion happens). The capital is often overlooked, and very in vain. In order to plunge into the real, not touristy Cuban atmosphere, you must definitely visit this simple and very sincere city, which still honors its heroes and believes only in the best. Take a stroll through the historic center, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, stroll along short, winding streets and be sure to check out a couple of museums.

Must see

The house where Ignacio Agramonte was born

Museo Casa Natal de Ignacio Agramonte

Camaguey is patriotic, and not by chance. The protagonist of the city is one of the key figures in Cuban history - Ignacio Agramonte. He was born here in a two-story house of the XVIII century, and then became a hero of the war for independence. The exhibition has personal items of Ignacio, which will tell about his path to the liberation of the country from colonization by the Spaniards. Performances by musicians often take place in the courtyard. Curiously, the inhabitants of Camaguey are often called agramontinos, so this museum may shed light on a very, very much.

Ignacio Agramonte Provincial Museum

Museo Provincial Ignacio Agramonte

Yes, this name will often be found in the city, so get used to it! In fact, this is one of the most interesting museums in Cuba, and it is associated with Agramonte only by name. Inside there is an amazing collection of works of Cuban art and, in particular, provincial, that is, Camaguey. The most valuable exhibits: archaeological finds and works of the famous artist Fidelio Ponce, born here.

Ignacio Agramonte Park

Parque Ignacio Agramonte

In fact, this is not a park! Just called the main square of Camaguey, paved with light marble slabs and outlined on all sides by lush vegetation. This is a place of attraction for locals, in the square someone is always going to play, listen to music, dance, relax in the shade of royal palm trees or discuss the latest news. In the center is a bronze equestrian statue of Ignacio Agramonte - militant and beautiful.

Cathedral of Our Lady of La Candelaria

Catedral de Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria

The city cathedral is located just at the main square of Camaguey, so you definitely will not miss it. It is dedicated to the patroness of the city - Our Lady of de la Candelaria. The most interesting thing in the cathedral is the observation deck. Be sure to get up and admire the city from a height.

Church of Our Lady of La Merced

Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Merced

The graceful tan church along with small colorful houses next door creates a very pleasant and harmonious ensemble. Only the post office with a portrait of Che Guevara, located very close to it, recalls the extraordinary power of patriotism, which permeates Camaguey. Interestingly, the first city clock was the clock on the bell tower of this church. Inside is a unique silver tomb - Santo Sepulcro of the 18th century, made with donated 23,000 silver coins. In the courtyard of the church - guns abandoned by the Spaniards of the XIX century, it is also interesting to look at them. Here affectionately breathes antiquity and mystery.

Carmen Square

Plaza del carmen

Once in this unusual triangular square, you can see how the days of the locals passed (and even now, not without it). Three colorful cubes are sitting on the chairs and chatting enthusiastically about something. One stool is empty - for you. Sit down and listen to the secrets! A little further, at the end of the square, the old man carries a few tinones on a cart. And on the opposite side, the couple sits embracing on a bench. Almost at the church with two towers, a man thoughtfully reads a newspaper. In the evening, they are easily confused with living people, but in fact they are all life-size statues.

San Juan de Dios Square

Plaza San Juan de Dios

This old cobbled square is surrounded by bright single-story buildings of the 18th century. It is small, but is considered one of the most beautiful in the province. Merchants often gather here, so you can buy some traditional Cuban souvenirs and then have a cup of coffee in an outdoor cafe. While you enjoy your drink, pay attention to the charming yellow church and the old hospital. And then decide for yourself that it’s worth returning here.

Watch the video: Camagüey, Cuba (October 2024).

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