5G forecasters will have difficulty making accurate weather forecasts

An unfulfilled weather forecast is often the subject of jokes and ironic remarks. But any forecast is not as simple as it might seem at first glance, but a weather forecast, which is based on an analysis of a whole set of interrelated factors, can only be done by specialists in a narrow profile. In recent decades, sophisticated computer programs and advanced meteorological instruments have come to the rescue of meteorologists, which have significantly increased the accuracy of forecasts. But, according to skeptics, soon the weather prediction will be thrown back to the level of 40 years ago, and will again become an object for jokes. And the technical progress in the face of the 5G communication system, which is massively implemented in many countries around the world, is to blame.

The 5G communication system is the next step on the road to perfect mobile communication with higher bandwidth and speed compared to the previous 4G system. This technology has already passed a series of successful tests, including in Russia, and is preparing for active implementation. The new communications standard system is already operational in the United States, South Korea and parts of Switzerland. But there were some controversial issues related to the threat to health, as there are already some experimental results confirming changes in the state of the body under the influence of 5G. For example, due to fears of a negative impact on the functioning of the human body, a new communication system was banned in one of the cantons of Switzerland.

But the introduction of 5G is associated not only with the impact on human health, but also with the impact on the system of meteorological observations and weather forecasting. According to NASA experts, 5G system transmitters will interfere with the operation of meteorological equipment, which will ultimately affect the quality of weather forecasts. The conclusions of the experts are disappointing: the accuracy of forecasts will decrease by as much as 30%. The thing is that one of the important parameters involved in the weather forecast is recorded at a frequency close to the frequency of the 5G system. Despite the fact that meteorologists have a temporary priority, since they have taken the right frequency for a long time, some countries have already adopted programs and procedures have been carried out to regulate the use of disputed latitudes, of course, in favor of telecom operators.

Due to the prevailing conditions, scientists fear a worsening situation in the forecasting system for dangerous atmospheric processes, such as hurricane winds or powerful snowstorms. Alas, this trend will only be aggravated, as telecom operators will gradually occupy other frequencies, leaving meteorologists without the usual frequencies and types of equipment, especially near large settlements.

Watch the video: Whole U Speaker Series: Cliff Mass on Weather Forecasts (October 2024).

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