Domodedovo Customs

Let's take a closer look at the work of Domodedovo Customs:

In February 1989, the Domodedovo Customs Post of the Sheremetyevo Customs was formed, the task of which was to carry out customs clearance and customs control of military traffic, transit cargo and single flights, using the Domodedovo Airport as an alternate aerodrome, and on May 13, 1994, the customs post was transformed into Domodedovo customs direct subordination of the State Customs Committee of Russia.

Why is customs needed and what are its requirements?

Checking cargo and baggage. The goal is to control the import or export into the country / from the country of a wide variety of goods.

All major airports have a system of "green" and "red" corridors, which allows you to separate, on the one hand, tourists and other citizens who have nothing to declare, and on the other hand, people moving goods for commercial purposes and other goods that require mandatory written declaration.

For the first open "green" corridor. Following the "green" corridor, most citizens do not notice any signs of customs control. Meanwhile, it is carried out, and sometimes a customs officer comes up to the passenger and asks to show their luggage.

And persons who transport goods subject to declaration must follow the “red” corridor and fill out the customs declaration.

Surely many noticed that at the exit from the "green" corridor someone is not being checked, but someone is asked to put their luggage on the tape for inspection.

The fact is that customs control is selective control, and, as statistics on detentions show, the main flow of narcotic substances is brought from Central Asian countries. In winter, they always carry more, and this is easy to explain. There is such a concept of "passes", these are mountain trails between Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, in the winter they freeze. So part of the flow is redirected to air transport. But in general, it must be understood that the main ways of smuggling illicit substances across the border are still auto and rail transport, not airplanes.

Domodedovo Airport was created as a hub for long-haul flights to Siberia, the Far East and Central Asia. Therefore, accordingly, most of the arriving flights to Domodedovo are flights from Central Asia (hereinafter - CA).

It should also be borne in mind that air carriers are mainly used by swallowers - those who are trying to transport drugs in their own stomachs. Basically, about 80% of all customs detentions are from the SA.

Domodedovo has a lot of planes arriving from the SA, and Tajikistan is the main problem area. Heroin is being taken from there. Five flights come from Tajikistan per day, which is at least one thousand people. Check everyone out. Even more flies from Uzbekistan, plus about 600 people from Kyrgyzstan per day.

As for flights from other cities, no one has canceled customs control in relation to them, it’s just that it’s not so “noticeable”. They can also check the flight from Paris.

If you focus on statistics, cultural values, expensive jewelry and watches are exported / brought from Europe, as well as the United Arab Emirates, and narcotic substances from Central Asia. Guess what a citizen from the Caucasus highlighted in this photo?

One shift at a customs post at Domodedovo Airport (passenger) lasts 12 hours. Schedule day / night.

Nowadays, almost any institute has a customs department. The main criterion for employment in customs is the presence of higher education in a specialty - a lawyer, economist, customs specialist.

Vietnamese people like to export large quantities of infant formula from Russia, but this is not being prosecuted. They also bring cigarettes and milk powder.

We get down to the luggage compartment. Absolutely all arriving suitcases are tested by X-ray and dog.

If the baggage contains cargo prohibited for transportation, the dog rests his front paws (like a fox on a hunt) and pokes his nose.

With me nothing forbidden was revealed, but periodically a four-legged customs officer put a test simulator in a special suitcase so that he would not relax.

One of the pleasures and rewards of work is to play with the ball.

Checking documents for cargo and baggage is also carried out on the platform.

We pass to the cargo terminal. Here, work also does not stop day or night.

Until the cargo is checked, it is located in a special sector.

Check on the scanner.

Custom scan.

They may ask you to open one box from the party, or maybe that's it.

After passing all the procedures, the goods are sent to the recipient.

While customs checks the goods, the recipients and senders are engaged in paperwork in the next room.

Registration on average takes from two hours.

The final stage. Documents transferred, cargo received. Or sent - to whom as required.

Watch the video: Traveler's Guide: going through Russian customs! (October 2024).

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