The 20 most amazing and beautiful trees from around the world, looking like a miracle

Vegetation appeared long before mankind, we developed, in parallel, using trees to build homes and make fire. Walking through the forest brings us rest, energizes and delights us. Trees never offend people, but people cut them down and indirectly interfere with growth, conveniently equipping their own lives. But as soon as a person leaves, the vegetation takes away territory again, sometimes giving birth to real masterpieces!

She is not a hindrance even to a landfill where, it would seem, no one is able to live.

Stone crosses in Belgium, where German soldiers were buried. The tree copes with the stone.

And this tree from Hong Kong is not an obstacle even to the tricks of civilization.

In Guadeloupe, a tree grew right on an abandoned building.

Symbiosis of trees and ancient temples in Cambodia.

In Thailand, in the abandoned city of Ayutthaya, trees braided the head of a Buddha.

Trees are sometimes as unique and unusual as people. The clearest example is the dragon tree. It can be seen only on the island of Socotra, and, according to legend, it grew up on the spot where a huge elephant crushed the dragon. Now red tar is flowing from the tree - dragon blood.

And this tree in China is so beautiful at the time of leaf fall that whole crowds of people come to see it.

The most terrible tree in Britain, which is better for children not to show. It is like a revived nightmare: both hollows look like eyes, the nose has failed, and green mucus flows from the mouth with broken teeth ...

Cobweb Trees in Pakistan. A similar thing happened after the flood here. It turned out that not only people were saved from the cataclysm: millions of spiders climbed trees in order not to drown. The water was leaving slowly, and during this time all the trees were covered with silk threads, creating a completely futuristic landscape.

An unusual tree in China, the trunk of which looks more like an openwork screen.

There is also a legend about this famous African tree. When a very, very long time ago she ventured to argue with God, but he was so angry because of the boldness of the plant that he pulled it out of the ground and stuck it upside down. Meet the baobab.

Pitlochry is a provincial Scottish city on the banks of the Tammel River. And, of course, a forest growing along the banks.

Forest in North Carolina (USA), which looks like a real abode of witches.

An impressive place in southern England is a forest full of beautiful bells.

Louisiana Oak Alley leading to a luxurious mansion. You can walk along it, imagining yourself Scarlett O'Hara or even Abraham Lincoln.

A very beautiful alley where the branches above the head appear to be a green roof. It is located in the Rivne region of Ukraine, near the village of Klevan.

The wall of China on the brochures looks different, but in many places it is completely covered with trees.

And finally, such a native Russian landscape - snowy Christmas trees. You can’t even say right away that this is a photo from Minnesota.

Watch the video: Top 10 Most Beautiful Tree Tunnels In The World (October 2024).

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