Magnetoplanes: why the fastest trains in the world are in only three Asian countries

Magnetoplanes, or trains on a magnetic cushion, are the fastest type of ground passenger transport in the world. They are able to reach speeds of up to 600 km / h, approaching aircraft in this indicator. It turns out that the first successful tests of magnetoplanes took place back in the 70s of the last century. Let's see why, despite the obvious speed advantages, magnetos are still a rarity.

Magneto planes look like high-speed trains and also move on rails. But this is where their similarities end, since magnetoplanes have a different principle of movement.

All magnetoplanes operate in the presence of an electromagnetic field. At the same time, the train itself is in the air without touching the rail. The train is in a state of levitation, for which it got its name "Muggle" - an abbreviated English phrase "magnetic levitation" (magnetic levitation). To ensure a soaring position, very powerful magnets are used, which are located in the rail and in the train itself. With a special arrangement of magnets, a repulsive electromagnetic force is created, which keeps the composition in a "suspended" state.

Due to this soaring position, there is no friction force between the magnetic plane and the rail, only aerodynamic drag can be overcome. Such technology can significantly increase speed characteristics, as well as reduce a number of operating costs associated with equipment wear.

The movement of the train is carried out using an electric motor, and speed indicators can reach 500-600 km / h. At the same time, the energy consumption of the magnetic plan is much lower than that of traditional trains, planes and cars.

Projects for the use of magnetic cushion trains were developed in the USSR, Great Britain and Germany. In the USSR, successful tests of the magnetoplane passed back in 1979 in the Moscow Region, and they planned to build the first road in the late 80s in Armenia. But the 1988 earthquake and the collapse of the USSR prevented the implementation of these plans.

Magnetoplanes were operated for a short time in Germany and Great Britain in the 80s. But for various reasons, the lines were closed, and the construction of new ones has not yet begun.

But advanced technologies are successfully used in Asia. A high-speed track for magnetoplane exists in Shanghai and connects the airport with the metro of the city. It was built with the help of German Siemens specialists in 2002. In addition to Shanghai, magnev lines operate in Beijing and in Changsha.

In addition, several lines for the movement of magnetoplanes operate in Japan and South Korea.

Why, with all the benefits of unique technologies, their application in the world is very limited? There are several reasons. Firstly, the high initial costs associated with the construction of magnetic lines. Secondly, the spatial capabilities of cities do not always meet the requirements of magnetoplanes. Indeed, for the operation of such compositions, it is necessary to build special lines and the corresponding infrastructure, and no more transport can move on these rails. In European cities with historical buildings and established transport interchange, such projects are quite expensive. But in Asia, where new quarters of skyscrapers are being erected in a month, this type of transport is quite real and is gaining popularity.

Watch the video: Alan Ex Magneto Planes para el 2012 (September 2024).

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