Can a sailing ship sail against the wind

In those distant times, when mankind had not yet invented engines, all sea vessels sailed due to the wind that filled the sails, or used the power of rowers, when necessary. But in our time there are grand sailing vessels, which are mainly training or used as cruise ships. In addition to them, there are many sports yachts and small sailboats, which only one person can successfully manage. But, contrary to popular belief, such vessels can sail not only in fair winds, but also in any other wind, including headwinds.

Strictly speaking, the first ships on which merchants and travelers sailed to distant lands were not just sailing, but sailing and rowing. There are a great many different types of sailing ships, for the description of which a whole book may not be enough. We simply consider cases when the wind direction does not coincide with the desired course.

As can be seen from the scheme of movement of ships with different wind directions, even such a nuisance as a headwind cannot prevent an experienced yachtsman from moving forward. The ship moves forward along a zigzag trajectory, turning to the right or left side, and gradually approaches the set target in this way.

Watch the video: The Physics of Sailing. KQED QUEST (October 2024).

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