The countries with the longest vacations in the world

The legislation of most countries spells out a minimum vacation period, as well as the amount that should be paid to the employee. Only now, the duration of statutory leave in each state varies. TravelAsk decided to tell you about the most enviable countries with the longest vacation period. The data for compiling this list has been compiled by the Center for Economic and Political Studies.


Here, each resident is entitled to a vacation of 35 days.


Portugal is also not far behind in this regard: the law guarantees a 35-day vacation.


Spain is no less attractive, the vacation here is 34 days.


For Italian citizens, the state pays 31 days of vacation.


The same period is prescribed in French laws.


In this country, residents are supposed to rest for 30 days.


During the same period, residents of Germany can also relax.

New Zealand

30 days vacation is also paid here.


The Irish have the right to take vacation for 29 days.

United Kingdom

In the United Kingdom, citizens are on vacation for 28 days


A 28-day vacation also relies on the Australians.


According to the law of our country, we can rest 28 days a year.


Norwegian workers are paid a 27-day vacation.


Here, the law provides for a 26-day paid vacation.


The Finns decided to take a vacation lasting 25 days.


As, in fact, the Swedes. Also 25 days.


Every year, Danish residents must take a vacation of 25 days.


In this country, employers are required to pay employees leave of 20 days.


The Swiss can count on providing a 20-day vacation.


In Canada, the law requires you to pay vacation time of 19 days.


But the hardworking Japanese are on vacation only 10 days a year. But even such a period in this country is considered too high, so if you ask for a full vacation, it will be a sign of bad taste.

But in such an economically developed country as the United States, the law generally does not give any guarantees for vacation. The number of days during which an employee can rest is determined directly by the employer, which means that there may not be a vacation at all.

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