In the laboratory they created coffee that is indistinguishable from the present in taste, color and smell

In the modern world, it is already difficult to find a truly genuine food product that chemists and food production technologists would not improve. This time, scientists got to the beloved by many coffee, the composition of which was studied in the most thorough manner. After hard work, experts were able to create molecular coffee, the ingredients of which are kept in the strictest confidence.

According to some experts, the coffee industry is on the verge of a crisis caused by climate change. Coffee trees do not always have time to adapt to the increasing droughts and elevated air temperatures, they reduce productivity or even die. Farmers are forced to cut down whole plantations and exchange coffee for less demanding crops so as not to lose income. In addition, the work of slaves and children is still used on coffee plantations in some countries. Investigations and scandals on this basis are feverish the coffee market, which affects the stability of supplies and pricing. In addition, the demand for coffee is growing every year, and the coffee market has a fairly high level of fakes, which happens with all products with a high price. These reasons prompted technologists to look for ways to create artificial coffee that would not experience the problems that a traditional drink faces.

Atomo's American specialists were able to determine the exact set of chemical compounds that make up real coffee. The unique taste, noble color and a rich palette of aromas - all this is nothing but a certain combination of chemicals, finding out the proportions of which, you can create an artificial analogue of a coffee drink. In total, scientists were able to identify about 40 compounds that were synthesized from plant components. The taste of the obtained molecular coffee is no different from the traditional one, as evidenced by testing with the participation of volunteers.

The company plans the industrial production of innovative coffee at the end of 2019. The creators of molecular coffee are sure that their products will appeal to consumers, because it not only completely imitates the taste of coffee, but also much cheaper than its natural counterpart.

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