9 top-secret places on the planet that you’re unlikely to be able to visit

There are places in the world that only a select few have access to. Neither you nor we are almost 100% likely to never even be able to get closer to these top-secret locations and rooms. And to find out the exact location of these points, too, most likely, will fail. The only thing we can do is talk a little about them and show the rare pictures in which they were captured. And, believe me, for such secret places it is already a lot!

Room 39

This is a mysterious North Korean organization whose main tasks, as they say, are the exchange of foreign currency and the sale of weapons. Exists since 1970.

Coca-Cola Recipe Storage

The recipe for the most popular drink in the world is kept in the strictest confidence, and only a couple of people from the company's management have access to the safe depository.

"Bohemian Grove"

This is a private club for the elite, located in the ancient California forest. Since 1899, the most influential people of the USA, including presidents, gather here every year. They say that in 1942 the "Manhattan Project" was approved here - such a code name was the US nuclear weapons development program.

White's Gentlemen's Club

The English elite club was founded in 1693. Known for the “betting book”, which captures the most bizarre and unusual bets made ever. For women, the road here is closed.

Ise Temple

According to Shinto rules, this temple is destroyed and rebuilt every 20 years. Only priests and members of the imperial family can visit it. Ordinary mortals have no right to even approach him.

Metro 2

In Stalin's time, a tunnel was built at a depth of 210 m near Moscow, which connects the most important strategic objects of the Russian capital. Only a few government officials have access to it.

Mormon Warehouse

No one knows exactly what is inside this mysterious vault located in the granite mountain in Salt Lake City. It is only known that these are the most important historical treasures and documents.

Secret archive

To visit this place can only the Pope and a few people close to him. At 84 km (!) Of shelves, millions of important secret and rather ancient documents are stored.

Disneyland Club (Club 33)

This indoor club was founded by Walt Disney himself in 1967 for celebrities and politicians. Those wishing to join the club will have to pay a fee of $ 30,000 and wait 14 years in line.

Watch the video: SECRETIVE Places You can NEVER Enter. . (October 2024).

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