What did the Soviet spacesuit look like for famous astronaut dogs

Cosmic distances attract humanity with its inaccessibility and mystery. Currently, thanks to scientists and researchers, we have an idea about our universe and its structure. A lot of effort was made by our smaller brothers to gain useful knowledge. The higher a person tried to climb into the sky, the more the need was ripened for studying the influence of outer space on the biological processes of a living organism. For obvious reasons, they could not experimentally send people into space, so the choice fell on dogs. Initially, they wanted to start experiments on monkeys, but they are too hectic and not so amenable to training. Dogs showed themselves positively in everything: they withstood the load, obeyed the person, calmly reacted to everything. Of all the dog breeds, scientists have chosen ordinary curs. The selection for flights took place in several stages, and units reached the finish line. The subjects were in special cells for a long time, drank and ate 2 times a day. Special belts limited their movement.

But if at a height of several kilometers a living creature has enough oxygen and warm clothes, then being in space and in near-earth orbit requires a tight and comfortable spacesuit. Therefore, the question arose of a special protective suit for such unusual astronauts.

As we all know, the first astronaut dogs to land successfully after a one-day space flight were Belka and Strelka. Last year, one of the suits of these famous dogs was put up by a collector from Germany at an auction with an initial cost of 4,000 euros. Outwardly, the suit looks like a tight-fitting and tightly laced suit made of brown cotton, which also includes rubber and aluminum. All this attire is equipped with a breathing apparatus.

Watch the video: 1957 - The Russians Sent Dogs Into Space to Die (September 2024).

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