Going to Italy, the photographer decided not to shoot the Colosseum and the Leaning Tower of Pisa

Italy is a country that has a unique historical and cultural heritage. Here, ancient monuments from the time of Rome intertwine with the splendor of nature: Venice captivates with its romance, Tuscany with its hilly panoramas, and the southern slopes of the Alps impress with grandeur and beauty.

However, the Belgian photographer Kenneth Provost, returning from his trip to Italy, brought unbroken pictures of famous sights, such as, for example, the Colosseum or the Leaning Tower of Pisa, he captured this country from a completely different perspective. The Belgian went to explore various abandoned places far from the usual tourist routes, as a result of which he collected a series of mystical photographs called "Beautiful Italy". Each frame in it stores its own story, saturated with mystery and unique aura.

Watch the video: Taking leaning tower of Pisa pictures (September 2024).

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