9 oddities that distinguish Argentines from all other nations of the world

When getting acquainted with the Argentine people, its traditions and characteristics, it should be remembered that it came from another, no less outstanding nation - Italians. Any observant traveler will note a lot in common between these two peoples: a love of freedom and an unusual nepotism, excessive emotionality, as well as very similar cuisines. Here we have collected the main oddities of the Argentines, who characterize this nation as well as possible and distinguish it from all the rest on earth.

Nesting dolls are called mummies.

At the beginning of the 20th century, emigrants from Russia "brought" matryoshka fashion to the country. The locals could not pronounce the word "nesting doll", all that they managed to say was "mother". In 1989, a popular brand of chocolate Mamuschka appeared in Argentina in its signature red packaging, on which a matryoshka doll is painted.

Psychologists visit regularly

According to statistics, there is the largest number of psychologists per capita: one practitioner per capita. Most Argentines visit a psychologist at least once a week and sincerely believe that they cannot cope with their own problems.

Adore platform shoes

At any time of the year, as well as day and night, most Argentines, no doubt, will prefer any shoes with high platform shoes.

Do not use electric kettles

Firstly, there is a very expensive household appliances. Secondly, in this way the Argentines honor the memory of Latin American cowboys - gauchos - who cooked food exclusively at the stake. In addition, their favorite mate tea is brewed with water, which did not have time to boil.

Can't live without football

Every resident of Argentina without fail has been watching football since childhood and is rooting for only one team, which remains faithful to the end of his days.

Mix the balm for the stomach with Coca-Cola

Thus, they prepare the most popular cocktail in Argentina, which consists of the Italian herbal balm Fernet Branca and the most famous carbonated drink in the world.

Instead of coffee, they prefer to drink mate

Finding good coffee in Argentina is quite difficult, but it costs a lot. Therefore, Argentines receive a charge of vivacity in the morning, as a rule, with the help of their favorite hot drink - mate tea, which is prepared from the leaves of Paraguayan holly.

Eat a lot of meat

The main festive dish on every Argentinean house is, of course, asado. This is the name of fresh meat cooked over an open fire and seasoned only with a pinch of salt.

Condensed milk is called a national dessert

In their native language, the name of this product sounds like “dulce de leche”. It can be found in the fridge of every Argentinean family. In appearance, the dessert is very similar to condensed milk, and to taste it is like the filling of Cow candies. It is customary to eat with bread, cookies, ice cream and add to cakes and cocktails.

Watch the video: The Difference between the United Kingdom, Great Britain and England Explained (September 2024).

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