Limestone Stone Paper - A Great Alternative to Cutting Down Trees

World paper production is growing every year, and with it the number of trees cut down on the planet is growing. But it turns out that for the production of paper it is not necessary to destroy the hectares of the forest and all its inhabitants, because this thing necessary for our civilization can be made of limestone and polyethylene.

Limestone paper technology was first developed in Taiwan about 20 years ago. Paper from this widespread and rather cheap material turned out to be strong and durable and in its characteristics was not inferior to traditional paper. The technology of its production was patented in several dozen countries and today the manufacture of stone paper, as manufacturers called it, is engaged in several countries, including Taiwan and Japan.

Alternative paper consists of 80% of crushed limestone (CaCO3), and the remaining 20% ​​is polyethylene, which acts as a binder. In addition to tangible savings in wood (and to produce 1 ton of paper you need to cut down about 20-25 trees), the technology of stone paper production has almost no effect on aquatic ecosystems, which cannot be said about pulp and paper mills. The fact is that almost no water is used in the stone paper production process, while about 100 tons of water is required to produce 1 ton of paper.

Stone paper is more dense and durable, has increased resistance to moisture and contaminants. This type of paper is great for making packages, magazine covers and notebooks, business cards, postcards, tags, booklets and other paper products.

Today, stone paper is already being produced in several countries, but Japan is the recognized leader in this field. And this, perhaps, is not surprising, because it is in Japan that they pay special attention to ecology and take care of nature.

Watch the video: Stone sheet, a paper composed of 80% limestone powder (September 2024).

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