What schools in 20 different countries of the world look like

Nobel laureate Malala Yusufzai once wrote: "One child, one teacher, one book and one pen can change the world." School is something very ordinary and underestimated in our lives. We rarely think about how important and invaluable the opportunity to get an education.

In some countries, children have to overcome difficult obstacles just to get to class. Many wars, political unrest and poverty generally block the path to the school desk. At the same time, in other states, students board a yellow school bus, which safely and safely takes them to large, bright, state-of-the-art buildings.

And despite this huge difference between the dilapidated classes without electricity and private schools, where they go in uniforms with emblems, education helps children around the world to realize their full potential.

That's what it means to go to school in 20 different countries.

Mosul, Iraq

Beijing, China

Ahmedabad, India


Hoan Soo Phi, Vietnam

Marseille, France

Soweto, South Africa

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Eichenau, Germany

Tokyo, Japan

Sydney, Australia

Ankara, Turkey

Sao paulo brazil

Bermeo, Spain

Middlesex, England

Rabat, Morocco

Kiev, Ukraine

Tbilisi, Georgia

Havana, Cuba

Boston, USA

Watch the video: Schools in Switzerland vs. America. 20 Major Differences (September 2024).

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