Ireland without Russian tourists

If a simple Russian peasant from the province (the same one that Tagil came to the Irish wilderness, he might think that he had not left anywhere. The same gray sky and the drenched faces of Irish hard workers.

Only they don’t go: Ireland is undeservedly deprived of compatriots. I'll try to fix it: after this post, if you don’t run after the tickets, you will think about them for sure.

It’s good to travel in the fall and winter, when in our hemisphere it’s “not the season” and rental offices bring down prices. So, Opel Corsa for a week in Ireland cost me 70 euros.

Even plush toys travel, but you don't! Akakiy rabbit and Kakalina squirrel continue to be outrageous.

Last year I had a great route through Ireland. At the same time I decided to visit Northern Ireland, which at that time did not have enough time. From Dublin to Belfast in a straight line you can drive in two hours, but it’s not interesting.

With the weather, we can say lucky. Fog and light rain. Unlucky if the rain did not stop at all. But I found out that my quadcopter DJI Mavic is not afraid of rain (unless, of course, it is a downpour).

Finding historical "abandons" is not easy here, but in Northern Ireland, they say, there are a lot of destroyed medieval castles. They will also be interesting to shoot from a height.

There is one step between the past and the future. Of course, I was joking when I said that the Russian provincial might decide that Ireland is like Russia. The infrastructure here is an order of magnitude better and more modern: excellent roads, well-groomed areas, and there are no high-rise ghetto anthills in the country at all: the last such district in Dublin was demolished back in 2013. And here is the laundry stop. While waiting for a bus or charging an electric car (the charging station is on the right, it did not fit into the frame), you can stretch the belle.

We stopped for a couple of hours in Galway. The last time I missed it due to the fact that the name was already well known, it is the second most popular tourist city in Ireland.

At first they were looking for parking for a long time, but when they found it, the city seemed promising.

However, it was worth turning around the corner, as all the illusions dispersed at once: a tourist cesspool.

It was so crowded on the streets because of the holiday (Halloween) and the day off, so that in addition to the ubiquitous Chinese, the Irish themselves rushed to Galway themselves, quite a bit sickened in Dublin for a working week.

In such places, I get lost and do not know what to do there. And even more so, to talk about them.

On one of the squares, an old alcoholic bard purred with a hoarse voice. Behind him, peasants similar to him were crowded. You won’t understand right away whether it’s security, or a support group, or drinking companions. Nearby, local boys were drinking beer in the "Abibas", but I was too shy to remove them. But then I thought at that moment that if it were not for the European scenery, these guys with the boys are easy to imagine in any Russian town with a population of 50-70 thousand.

Just so many people live in Galway city.

The spontaneous street market also added resemblance to our province.

And somehow it all differs from the refined European "markets", agree ?!

Although it has its own color, like the largest oysters there are: Galway is a fishing port with access to the open ocean.

Ireland, she is real. Not trying to pretend or appear to be what it is not. Therefore, local men drink whiskey with beer and do not hesitate at all. Well, it’s tastier!

Any boring tourist city can save a quadcopter flying over it. Then you can especially not invent a story, but simply show beautiful pictures.

Although I still could not understand why everyone was going to Galway. Yes, nice and not Dublin (for a change).

But Ireland is full of the coolest places that the guidebooks don’t even write about or give them a few lines.

Russians do not come here to travel for two reasons. The first is cold. Even in the summer there is no hell, and to spend a vacation outside the beach our person is almost unbearable. The second reason, which in fact may be the main one, is that a separate visa is required to visit Ireland. Although the country is a member of the European Union, and the euro currency is in use here, but they did not want to enter into the Schengen agreement. There is a small life hack that not everyone knows about: the republic opens the doors for holders of British visas, but talks about it reluctantly and all the time promises to close the shop: relations with neighbors have been difficult all their lives. What will happen after the final exit of the United Kingdom from the EU, no one knows.

So, hurry up while you can visit two countries "for the price" of one.

And don’t be fooled by beautiful pictures on Instagram, they often lie. Go to Northern Ireland - ignore the "path of the giants", this is untwisted, but dull garbage. And the most beautiful ocean coast on the west side of the island.

Watch the video: 10 Weird ways to spot AMERICAN TOURISTS in Ireland (September 2024).

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