Life hack. How to transport alcohol on an airplane if you only fly with carry-on baggage

Familiar situation? You fly lightly, without luggage, only with hand luggage and suddenly ... you want to buy a bottle or two of interesting alcohol to bring home and to your friends from a trip.

But how? You won’t take it with you; Do not buy a suitcase for this!

There is one simple way that I practice from time to time. True, he always causes smiles and laughter during check-in at the airport, but you do not have to give up desire or spend money on a suitcase.

Yesterday in Penza I just had such an incident. We had dinner at the restaurant a few hours before departure to Moscow, and we were strongly recommended to try the brand-name horseradish. It turned out to be so amazing that I immediately wanted to buy one bottle for myself. But ... I had only a small backpack with photo equipment and a macbook: there were no options to hand it along with the bottle into the luggage ...

But I brought a damn thing home anyway.

See below how this is done using improvised tools.

All we need is ... a roll of cling film or cellophane with pimples and some tape / electrical tape.

Just wrap the purchased bottle with a thick layer of film or cellophane. Believe me, a good cocoon made of cling film will protect your bottle from damage better than any suitcase. Well, if they break it, it will not do any harm to the luggage of other passengers, since no glass inside can damage it. The main thing - do not spare the film. Well, in general, that's all.
Then just go to check-in and hand over the package in baggage.

Refuse - no one will refuse. Only smile and rejoice at your resourcefulness.

Standard procedure for decal luggage sticker ...

Feel free to say that you have a bottle of alcohol there. So you will call in your address additional sympathy and desire to help in the delivery of fragile goods safe and sound.

For example, I was offered to glue the parcel with the stickers “Fragile” and “Glass”.

Well, why not? They will send them in a separate corridor to Domodedovo, manually shift, there will be no package to jump on ribbons from level to level.

It remains only not to forget to get your precious bottle at the destination airport. As a rule, fragile goods are issued in the hotel zone, and not on a common tape. Keep this in mind!

By the way, I recommend the packaging of alcohol in plastic wrap to those who carry it in a suitcase. There are cases when wine bottles or whiskey were broken during transportation inside the suitcase and spoiled all its contents. And so all the contents will remain inside the cocoon and you just throw it away, keeping all things not dirty.
Have a nice trip!

Watch the video: 29 WEIRD Items You Cannot Take in a Carryon Bag on an Airplane (September 2024).

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