7 unusual ways in which our ancestors solved everyday problems

As practice shows, when it comes to everyday problems, people's imagination has no limits. With the help of improvisation, modern residents are trying in every possible way to make their life easier and deal with the difficulties that fate throws up at them from time to time. However, it is worth recognizing that with today's capabilities and resources it is much easier for us to live than our ancestors. They sometimes had to resort to very strange methods, in their own way looking for a way out of the situation. The resourcefulness and ingenuity of people of the past is dedicated to today's post. Let's see what bizarre ways they solved their ordinary problems.

Since clothes of the 19th century did not imply pockets, the ladies of that time carried the so-called shuttles with them. In fact, this is a chain with clips on which everyday little things were fastened: keys, wallets, watches, perfumes, notebooks or cosmetics.

To protect makeup from rain, in 1939 a special transparent cone was invented. Now it seems ridiculous, but you have to give credit, the invention performed its function perfectly.

Earlier in England, fires were put out with grenades. Grenades, of course, were specialized: they consisted of a glass flask with a fire-suppressing liquid and tin, in which there was gunpowder. During the explosion, the glass flask was broken and the fire-fighting liquid was sprayed. An unusual fire extinguisher called Harden Star was invented by Ambrose Godfrey in 1723.

To determine pregnancy, it was enough just to look the woman in the eye. In the 16th century, physician Jacques Guillemot claimed that pregnant women had "deep-set eyes, narrow pupils, eyelids slightly down, and swollen veins in the corners of the eyes."

Electricity was used to solve many problems long before the invention of electrical devices. For example, in Greece, different types of stingrays were used for anesthesia during operations. And in Rome - for the treatment of gout and migraines.

In the 19th century, gentlemen used special cups that made it possible not to wet their mustaches at the time of tea drinking. In general, such a trend in men's fashion, like a mustache, gave birth to a lot of accessories associated with it. Among them, a bandage to maintain the shape of the mustache during sleep, as well as a spoon, using which you could not be afraid to get dirty.

At the beginning of the 19th century, a travel device was invented that heated food with the help of hot exhaust gases from a car. Fortunately, he did not last long. It seems that people quickly realized that this method of cooking is unhealthy.

Watch the video: 10 Simple Pleasures the Modern World Has Robbed You Of (September 2024).

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