12 scary pics of deadly smog sweeping New Delhi

Air pollution in the capital of India has reached an extremely dangerous level. The situation is so serious that, for some periods of time, inhaling air in the street is equivalent to smoking 45 cigarettes per day. Autumn smog, caused by agricultural bonfires, the active work of factories, power plants and a huge amount of transport, was already a common occurrence in New Delhi at this time. But this year, he “attacked” the city with a vengeance.

A thick blanket of smog was visible from space for several days, it covered the northern part of the country with a dense milky veil. The deadly mixture of smoke, fog and pollution forced officials to take decisive measures - from closing schools to banning vehicles on the road.

The US Embassy in India has designated the level of air quality in New Delhi as “hazardous”. According to NASA, on November 8, the air quality sensor at the US Embassy recorded a figure of 1010 points, while values ​​from 0 to 100 are considered acceptable. Doctors say that such pollution will have especially dire consequences on the heart and lungs of local residents.

Watch the video: Most polluted City of the World: Delhi faces its worst deadly smog (September 2024).

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