Russia is building a research vessel "North Pole", which has no analogues in the world

For many years, drifting polar stations have served faithfully to scientists involved in Arctic exploration. But in recent decades, ice cover in the polar latitudes has become increasingly less stable, such research stations can no longer carry out their tasks in full and become unsafe. They are being replaced by the new North Pole research platform, which was developed and is already being built in Russia.

Model of the drifting platform "North Pole"

In December 2018, the Admiralty Shipyards shipbuilding company in St. Petersburg began construction of the Arctic research platform North Pole, project 00903. The vessel was ordered by the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring.

The North Pole is a floating observatory whose employees will monitor the state of the environment in the Arctic Ocean year-round. The platform will have increased hull strength, which will allow it to withstand powerful Arctic ice and move independently in the northern seas, without the help of icebreakers. The ship will be equipped with a helipad for receiving Mi-8 helicopters.

The platform’s fuel supply should be enough for 2 years of autonomous navigation and to fully ensure the comfortable existence of scientists. According to the design data, the platform’s crew will consist of 14 people and up to 48 researchers can work on it simultaneously. In addition to the necessary equipment, cabins and living quarters, platform employees will have at their disposal a small pool and a sauna.

According to the terms of the contract, a new research vessel, which has no analogues in the world, will be built in 2020.

Interestingly, the new platform is called the North Pole, thereby emphasizing the continuity of the polar research stations of our country. Drifting polar stations are also called the North Pole, to which a serial number is added. These stations usually begin work in the spring and drift along with the ice for 2-3 years as long as possible. Sometimes the station has to be evacuated ahead of schedule, as the ice floe begins to collapse. But after the new North Pole research platform begins to work, this will be avoided. Another important advantage will be a significant improvement in the working conditions of researchers.

North Pole Drifting Polar Station

Watch the video: Arctic Prospects: On board Russian research vessel heading to Polar Circle RT Documentary (September 2024).

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