Sea of ​​Svetlogorsk

Cold Baltic Sea. North of the Kaliningrad region.

Here, separated from the sea by a huge sand dune, the handsome Svetlogorsk is spread ...

The Kaliningrad region is very small, which is why I got a little confused on the map, taking distances in proportion to the size of the central part of Russia.

From Kaliningrad to Svetlogorsk, you can easily get there by car or bus, or by train.

The choice fell on the bus. From the South Station to the resort center an hour's drive and 60 rubles of money.

Roads resemble eastern Germany.

But no matter how hard nature, local road builders and tile manufacturers try, our Russian neglect has firmly established itself here.

I did not have time to finish the coffee from the thermos, as we arrived.

Railway station. Buses also stop here.

Pay attention to the sidewalks. Here they are wide for people, with bike paths.

The ultimate train.

They go to Kaliningrad often and as inexpensively as a bus.

A little deeper into the town, as the girls immediately encircle ...

Number 1. The Bronze Frog Princess. Really pretty!

The lips are kissed, for everyone who dares to do this will have inevitable happiness.

My happiness went nearby, so I did not take risks.

I will show the city sometime later. He is incredibly beautiful and enjoyable.

In the meantime, at sea !!!

The cableway sign caught my eye.

Cash desk, 40 rubles ...

Wow !!!

A very small, almost toy road, descending and lifting lazy bodies from the dune to the coast.

Length - some 350 meters and a couple of minutes of time.

But specially trained people plant and help to get out.

It is possible to sit in it, but there is especially nowhere.

The three of us will be scared for the bottom flying out.

A couple of wiggles under a strong wind from the Baltic and we are down!

Moryushko !!!

Look closely, maybe you will see the coast of Sweden. Although not.

Only waves and a strong cool wind.

About 900 years ago, the same cold landscape was considered before launching the boat by Prussian fishermen, who called themselves "salmon."

I wanted to swim, but 2 degrees of water confidently stopped me.

April, when I was here, is not the most comfortable time.

If you want warm sand, no rain and 18 degrees of sea, come in August.

In the meantime, you can’t sit on pebbles, because it blows away.

Speaking of pebbles.

There is no amber. Searched for half an hour.

Multicolored granite and pebbles are available, but there is no hardened resin.

And here the comfortable embankment has begun.


Some 5-star hotel right on the beach.

It looks rich.

Despite the bad weather, there are already quite a lot of vacationers here.

In addition to the sea and air, the resort offers mud therapy, carbon dioxide baths, and much more.

The town is quite small, a little more than ten thousand, and a huge number of resorts.

ABOUT! Girl number 2. Or "Ondine."

With nipples grated to shine. Oh, guys ...

Along the promenade are sellers. Of course, amber.

I won’t be surprised if they trade in Chinese plastic instead. Personally, it’s easy for me to suck in a fake - I don’t understand.

Prices are high, umbrellas are wide - so that wealth is not blown away.

The remains of the old pier from the height of the new.

As the resort of Svetlogorsk, and then the city of Raushen, it has been known since the 19th century.

A decent impetus in its development was given by the German king Frederick Wilhelm IV, and even when the road to Koenigsberg was built, it all went awry.

During both world wars, the resort was actively used by the Germans as a large holiday home for the military, and already in April 1945 was occupied by Soviet troops.

Soon the territories were transferred to the USSR, and already in the 47th the city began to be called Svetlogorsk.

A few years ago, a storm badly damaged the embankment.

Repair and paint for the season to this day ...

True, from the edge of the pier it seems quite small and a little dull for a resort of federal significance.

Girl number 3 dispelled melancholy.

"Nymph" was cast in the late 30s and saw here all the "charms" of wartime.

But nothing is worth it. We rubbed it again, that is not necessary ...

Convenient shops. With a rain roof and free wi-fi from a green operator.

Fresh and good.

With a soft blanket, hot coffee or cognac, it blends wonderfully.

Perhaps someday they will finish it, in general beauty will be.

Goodbye, the sea of ​​Svetlogorsk!

The watch hints at the time.

Watch the video: Светлогорск, Svetlogorsk, Kaliningrad region, Russia, Baltic Sea (September 2024).

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