GDR Secret Police Detention Prison

From 1960 to 1989, about 4,900 prisoners passed through the Stasi investigative prison located in the Hanseatic city of Rostock. Most were detained for political reasons, for plans and attempts to escape from the GDR, for dissent and the desire to independently decide how to live. I already showed a similar prison in Berlin and told how prisoners of conscience were exhausted by applying methods of physical and psychological influence to them. This time I will show photos of a prison in Rostock, where there were 50 cameras and 110 prisoners could be placed at the same time.

The investigative prison was located among the buildings of the Ministry of State Security of the GDR and was hidden from the eyes of passers-by. This is the entrance to the former prison (now a museum) today:

Museum Address:

Dokumentations- und Gedenkstätte

in der ehemaligen U-Haft der Stasi in Rostock

Hermannstraße 34b

18055 Rostock

The entrance is free.

Watch the video: One victim's memory of East Germany's feared Stasi prison (September 2024).

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