Every day, Spanish daredevils run the risk of breaking on rocks for the extraction of rare clams

The Spanish fisherman Santi Diaz Mosquera makes his living in an extremely dangerous craft - catching mollusks called the Goose Neck. These mollusks are very rare and love secluded moist corners under steep rocks, which makes their prey a real game with death. Fortunately, the Spaniard knows every pebble in the places of his hunt, and this helps him a lot so that his every sortie does not become the last.

The collection of mollusks on the Ferrol coast in northwestern Spain is a business passed down from generation to generation. Almost 15 years ago, Mosquera’s father died when he collected the “Goose necks”, and now this craft has passed to the man by inheritance. In memory of all the fishermen who gave their lives for rare shells, a large stone cross was erected on the Spanish coast.

However, despite numerous tragic cases, there are daredevils to whom the reward seems adequate to take a chance. Indeed, for a kilogram of “Goose necks” the Spanish fisherman asks for 70 euros, and on Christmas Eve this price does soar up to 100 euros.

Shellfish hunters call rare creatures in their own way - percebe. They know that they love wet cliffs, especially those dangerous places where the sea hits rocks. So Mosquera puts on a thermal suit, takes a long sharpened stick, a bag, a rope and sets off on a dangerous path.

Santi Diaz does not work alone, but with several more guys. In total, about 150 people are engaged in the search for shells on the coast. Every day they play with death for the sake of the sea delicacy, which will subsequently be offered to visitors of the best restaurants in Spain and other European countries.

Watch the video: Daredevil fails to parachute from 150ft chimney - TomoNews (September 2024).

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