Unusual road signs set in Australia to keep drivers from falling asleep

Have you ever had to go on a road so long to meet special signs on your way that prevent you from falling asleep from boredom? No? Then you definitely have not been to Australia!

In this vast country there are several truly epic roads. For example, on one of them, between Balladonia and Kaiguna, there is not a single turn for the whole 90 miles, which makes it one of the longest direct roads in the world ... and the most boring. But, as you will now see, someone came up with a brilliant way to help drivers get to their destination safely. Throughout the way, the person behind the wheel now and then encounters unusual traffic signs with the words "Zone of Fatigue" and the words "Simple games will help you stay alert." Then, on the same tablets, various interesting questions arise that excite the mind and force you to closely monitor the road and road signs in order to read the answer to the question on one of the following tablets.

"Keep playing, it can save your life."

Question: Floral symbol of Queensland?

Answer: Culinary Orchid.

Question: The longest living creature on earth?

Answer: Great Barrier Reef.

Question: The highest mountain in Queensland?

Answer: Mount Burlle Freer

Question: What is a bauple nut?

Answer: Macadamia nut.

Watch the video: A day in the life of a female truckie (September 2024).

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