10 countries in the world that spend the most money on research

Progress does not stand still, and over the past decades our world has changed beyond recognition. The traditional centers of high technology, such as Russia, Germany, the USA, Japan and the United Kingdom, have added China, Brazil, India and many other countries. This is not least due to increased funding for research and the construction of new centers.

If you look at the outstanding discoveries made over the past decades, there are many grandiose things among them, on which, as a rule, international teams of scientists work. This study of stem cells and the functioning of the brain, decoding the human genome, detecting traces of water on Mars and the study of black holes in outer space, the creation of bionic prostheses and developments in the fight against cancer.

It turned out that the United States is a world leader in the field of research funding and spends $ 511.1 billion for these purposes. China came in second place with $ 451.2 billion in spending on science, while Japan came in third with a wide margin, in which this figure is $ 168.6 billion.

The largest funds for science from EU countries are spent in Germany, which is on the fourth line of the rating with an indicator of 118.5 billion dollars. And South Korea closes the top five, where $ 79.4 billion was spent on research funding for the year.

France ranks sixth, with $ 62.2 billion invested in science over the study period. The seventh and eighth lines of the ranking with a small margin from each other are India with a total of 50.1 billion dollars and the United Kingdom, in which 47.2 billion dollars are spent on research.

Brazil is in ninth place, the only country in South America to be on this list and spending $ 41.1 billion on science.

And Russia closes the list, where 39.9 billion dollars were spent on scientific research in 2016.

Watch the video: Spending 24 Hours In A City With No Laws (October 2024).

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