Poisonous mammals

We are somehow used to being afraid of snakes, insects and arachnids for their toxicity. No one will be surprised if a snake or spider is poisonous. The presumption of innocence does not extend to these animals, rather, on the contrary, they are automatically considered poisonous, unless you are an expert who can determine the species and know its properties. Nevertheless, I think I will surprise many of my readers by stating that mammals are also poisonous. Yes Yes! These cute fluffy animals are no worse than spiders capable of suffering a painful death to their victims, acting as grim poisoners in their habitat ...

Let's start with the shrews

These small, but very mobile and evil creatures are poisonous. Their saliva contains toxins that can kill prey, comparable in size to the mistress of the poison. Fortunately for us, these animals are small - up to 10 cm and up to 15 g. For example, in the United States and Canada there are several species of shrews that have toxic saliva.

American Short-tailed Shrew (Blarina brevicauda)

Southern Short-tailed Shrew (Blarina carolinensis)

Haitian Scratchfish (Solenodon paradoxus)

If I knew that a poisonous monster lives in Haiti, I would walk barefoot through the jungle with less carelessness. I was aware that there are no poisonous snakes on the island, and therefore quite calmly wandered through the thickets of the rainforest. Who would have thought that it was on this island that a mysterious slit-tooth is hiding, which, unlike American shrews, reaches a mass of 1 kg, and this is no longer a small poisonous "little mimic", but a complete toxic killing machine! Surprisingly, unlike snakes, the toothfish do not have immunity to their own poison, and therefore they simply die in clashes with each other. Despite such an original weapon, the animal is rapidly losing the war for survival to species brought to the island by humans: cats, dogs, rats and mongooses. Alas, if measures are not taken quickly, then the days of this amazing creation will be numbered soon. :(

Canary Shrew (Crocidura canariensis)

Shaggy Hamster (Lophiomys imhausi)

The farther into the forest, the thicker the monsters. What will you do if a poisonous shaggy hamster attacks you? Right! To run! Fortunately, these animals, more like a skunk or porcupine than a hamster, do not attack people. For a long time it was believed that special glands on the sides of this beast secrete poison, which protects it from predators, however, it has recently become clear that this is not entirely so. A shaggy hamster peels the Abyssinian acocanter bark, which contains poisonous glycosides, and then licks its coat, rubbing toxic chewing gum into it. The ouabain contained in the cortex causes cardiac arrest and has long been used by aborigines to poison arrows. It is unclear how, but this hamster managed to adapt and chew the poisonous bark without harm to himself, but predators, including quite large ones, die if they bite a shaggy inventor.


Then everything is "more wonderful and wonderful" ... Who would have thought that such funny animals like the platypus have poisonous weapons in the zashnik? Nevertheless it is! On the hind legs of males there are 1.5 cm horn spurs that are connected with special femoral glands that produce complex poison during the mating season. The poison is powerful enough, it is enough to kill such a formidable opponent as a dingo. So, if you suddenly see this cute animal, do not rush to cuddle it.

Slow Lory (Nycticebus coucang)

Well, concludes my little essay Lory! Yes, there are poisonous species among primates. It would seem that what could be more harmless than a fat, slow lory? Look at this cutie? How can a slow loris from the genus of thick loris be dangerous? It turns out, maybe! A special gland on the elbow bend secrets a secret, which, when mixed with saliva, becomes poisonous. Like a shaggy hamster, Lori, licking themselves, cover the coat with a layer of protective poison. In addition, the poison remains on the incisors of the animal, and he, in defense, can make a poisonous bite.

Here's a review of poisonous animals. These are not all species, but most. By the way, such animals are found not only across seven seas. We have them, and literally under our feet. Our ordinary moles also have saliva poisonous, like those shrews that I talked about at the beginning. So guys, be careful with moles!

Watch the video: Seven Venomous Mammals (September 2024).

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